
Foundation Repair

Water is a symptom. Sometimes of poor drainage, or something critical. Water in your basement or crawl space is a foundation problem which normally requires a waterproofing solution. Failure to address this problem can often lead to foundation and structural problems. You may be asking, “What is the difference?”

The difference between foundation waterproofing and foundation repair is degree. If you have water coming though your floor, or wall, or through a crack in the wall, then you have seepage. If the foundation wall starts to bow, or if the crack is displaced a certain degree, e.g. – an inch or more – then you may have a foundation structural issue, which can no longer be ignored, or you risk foundation failure, and tremendous loss of property value.

The repair to a structural problem is determined by its magnitude – the stage that it happens to be in. If your wall has a small crack, which is structural, then the repair is not prohibitive. If the crack widens, and the wall is displaced by a few inches, the repair cost increases. If your wall is about to fall down or collapse, then the repair is expensive, as a wall rebuild is now necessary.

Listed below are indicators you can look for to determine possible expansive soil related movement and / or structural damage. The probability that your foundation has experienced some movement increases with the number of indicators observed, their frequency, and location in the structure.


  • Diagonal (stair stepping) Cracks in brick walls. Cracks may go through brick or mortar and vary in width
  • Sagging brick lines when sighting along a wall
  • Bowed or non-vertical walls
  • Separation of wood trim joints at corner
  • Separation of concrete driveway, patio, or sidewalk from foundation
  • Tilting of landscaping/retaining walls


  • Cracks in sheetrock walls or ceilings
  • Bowed or non-vertical walls
  • Bottom of wall separating from the floor
  • Cracks at wall corners
  • Cracks above doors
  • Sticking doors. (warped door frames)
  • Sticking windows
  • Sloping floor surface
  • Cracks in ceramic or vinyl tile
  • Cracks in concrete floor

Mold regrowth days after homeowner removed and replaced the sheetrock only.

Foundation at the base totally deteriorated due to water in the bottom block.

This is a serious situation on a poured concrete wall that was hidden behind sheetrock. The crack was 2 and a half inches wide I could stick my tape through to the other side over 8 inches, and the while wall moved in one inch. The last photo shows the whole crack. Can you see the daylight coming through from the other side????

To find out more about how we can help you with your foundation repair needs!

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