
Important Points You Need To Know About Water Damage and Wall Cracks

Essential Points You Need To Know About Water Damage and Wall Cracks Westchester County, NY

Cracks on the foundation, basement walls, or other types of fences, in general, are a significant cause for concern. Interestingly, many of the cracks on the basement or foundation may be due to progressive damage by water. If you have lived in your home for some years and start noticing some cracks, these cracks are likely caused by water.

In particular, diagonal, stair step, and horizontal cracks that appear on the foundation and basement may be a sign of severe damage due to water. Such cracks need to be repaired promptly to avoid further damage. Here are some key points that you need to know about water damage and wall cracks.

Wall Cracks | Westchester County, NY | Sundahl Waterproofing

  1. Many Cracks Occur Due to Increased Hydrostatic Pressure

It is common for cracks on foundation and basement walls due to water damage. When the soil around the foundation gets soaked with water, it becomes heavier and exerts more lateral pressure on the walls. This can cause cracking and even wall bowing. When walls crack, they can allow water to seep into the basement and cause even more damage.

It is essential to repair any cracks caused by water damage and take measures such as basement waterproofing to reduce the seepage of water and prevent further damage.

  1. Professional Help Is Required When Inspecting and Repairing Wall Cracks

Before you repair wall cracks, it is essential to inspect your building thoroughly. This requires the help of a professional repair contractor. Such a contractor will help you identify the underlying causes of the cracking and recommend the best measures to fix these cracks permanently.


By working with a professional contractor, you will be able to know the types of cracks that you can ignore and those that you should fix urgently. For instance, if foundation or basement wall cracks are caused by water, the contractor will immediately recommend basement waterproofing to avoid further water damage.

Basement waterproofing measures also include improving the drainage around your house to reduce the amount of water that reaches the foundation.

  1. Wall Cracks Can Be Repaired

Although cracks can be frightening, the good news is they can be fixed. Professional wall repair contractors know how to select different types of damage. So, whether your building has vertical, diagonal, horizontal, or stair-step cracks, the contractor will thoroughly examine to determine the required repair and help you fix the problem. 

Contact the Professionals at Sundahl Waterproofing Today! 914-834-9212