
6 Signs You Could Have Black Mold In Your Basement Larchmont, NY

6 Signs You Could Have Black Mold In Your Basement Larchmont, NY

Mold is a common problem in basements that are neglected, such as those that are persistently wet or humid. Mold has notable harmful effects on your health and property.

Mold and mold spores can cause allergies, respiratory illnesses, and other health issues such as coughing, sneezing, and general discomfort. Mold also causes property damage when it grows on items and materials such as leather, drywall, timber, furniture, ceilings, and many others.

In many cases, mold is usually hidden in places you cannot easily access, so you may not see it. But if you know the signs of a possible mold infestation in your basement, you can request help in good time and thus averting the adverse effects of mold growth.

Black Mold in Basement | Larchmont, NY | Sundahl Waterproofing

It is essential to get the help of a professional mold removal company if you experience any signs of black mold in the basement. Here are the key signs that you should look out for.

  1. Water Puddles on the Basement Floor

Pools of water on the basement floor suggest that water is entering the basement. This can be through the floor water seepage through the basement walls. The high moisture in the basement can cause the growth of black mold in the basement.

  1. Damp Spots on Basement Walls

Just like the presence of water pools, the presence of damp spots on the basement’s walls also denotes that water is infiltrating the basement. The dampness on walls will cause mold to grow in your basement over time. Therefore, if your basement is constantly damp, you are likely to find mold hidden in some basement areas.

  1. Musty Smells

Damping areas are often associated with a musty smell ls. The musty smell usually occurs due to the growth of mold. So, if your basement has a musty odor, you could be having a severe problem with black mold in the basement, even if you haven’t seen any mold yet. A professional mold removal service provider can help you locate and remove the mold.

Black Mold in Basement | Larchmont, NY | Sundahl Waterproofing

  1. Mold Patches

In addition to having a musty smell in your basement, you may also spot mold patches growing in different basement areas. Some of the areas susceptible to mold infestations include drywall, floor tiles, and ceilings.

  1. Condensation in the Basement

Condensation on surfaces occurs as moisture in the air condenses and forms tiny water droplets. High relative humidity creates an ideal environment for mold to grow. High humidity in your basement also means that the basement has a high-level o of moisture. So if your basement has a persistently high level of relative humidity, you need to consult a basement waterproofing company for an inspection.

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